Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lot of things to learn

Life has lot of things to learn .There are always moments when one feels there are lot of opportunities to learn new stuff and a lot of time wasted in the past...So the bottom line start whatever u like really helps and would always be worth a try.....

Monday, October 5, 2009

A new begining of a new journey

Finally its 5th october two days at ahemadabad MICA and life takes a new turn.

Reaching here at silveroak finally 33 students are in the PGPCME 2009 and the first floor of the hostel silver dedicated to all the 33 students.
Pretty decent stay and the october heat is the most discussed topic .
The humidity and the heat here at its extreeme.
So over all four meals a day good food.Food shouldnt be an issue i guesss at Sheila.

The morning today was pretty early and the day started with some jogging .....

So overall staying away from home new freinds new roomie a lot of things......

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Judging events where i was a student once

Couldnt have ever iamgined going back to school as a Judge..Students calling SIR SIR ..hahaha

Irony complete irony.Was called in my very own school as a ajudge for a couple of events.Its like a nostialgic feeling..When i saw a student demonstrate the Volcano I remebered thats exactly what i had done almost a decade back.
Then one of the gizmos of a student got spoilt he was in tears.It was sometimes difficult to give marks because of pure emotions poor guys lot of hardwork....

But there has been a drastic change in technology we had only charts i remember these days there were power point presentation and the screen was touch screen.AWESOME.

Its a dificult task altogether to judge the best one.But there was spectacular work displayed.

Great day.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last few days

last few days before boarding the train to ahemadabad...

Just a few last minute packing a whole lot of goods to be packed and winding up things here...
Its like a lot of work pending here...Lets c how things pass by...

All set to leave soon ...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Loads of changes .....

Was almost away from blogging...

usually blogging was from my work place but things got strict there so couldn't do much... now suddenly life's taken a turn i have resigned from my work place and all home...Its a new venture after all...A time to take risk ...Joining the PGPCME course at MICA .....

A totally new experience leaving mumbai after 24 long yrs ...Staying alone ...Leaving yr comfort zone for altogether something new...............Staying in hostel and a whole lot of new experiences....School,college were all close by...So a whole new dimension to life....

Will keep things updated now...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Every Man is a king

Always feel there is a lot do in life that challenge always is in front of us that when can we achieve what we really want.I think that search would never end we would always raise are bars when we achieve certain levels...So I just came upon this interesting article

The universe pays everyone in his own coin. If you smile, it similes on you, If you love the world, you will be surrounded by loving friends. Every man is a King. If you generate a powerful thought and let it out, it will always manifest itself but to create what we really want, first, it must be well manifested in our mind. Let’s see some points how a man is a King in himself.Organize our thoughts, emotions and energies: A well established mind, a mind which is concentrated is, referred to as Kalpavriksha or Wish Fulfilling Tree. If we organize our mind to a certain level, it, in turn, organizes the whole system. Our body, our emotions, our energies, everything gets organized in that direction. If we do this then we are a Kalpavriksha our self. Anything that we wish will happen. So, either we should make this human form into Kalpavriksha or we make it into one big mess. We must be clear as to what is it that we really want. If we do not know what we really want, the question of creating it doesn’t arise. Once we organize our thoughts, emotions and energies, our ability to create and manifest what we want becomes phenomenal.Set Goal: Don’t take chance with life. Life gives us two options everyday: wait for the things to happen or make the things happen as we want. Those who wait for things to happen miss out a great deal because they hardly or never happen. The best option is to decide what we want and pursue it Life offers plenty of opportunities. The important thing in life is to remove the laziness and mental dilemmas and keep moving forward in the direction of your goal. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all; successful people do not depend on their Luck. They take due responsibility for their life and thus they take advantage of chances and make the most of their life. It’s true that “Fortune sides with him who dares”.Our worst enemy is fear: The mostly deadly instrument for spoiling human lives is fear. Fear destroys our ambition, causes diseases and paralyses us. Its lowers our mental and physical vitality. How pitiable is to see anxious, wrinkled faces, the unhappy expressions of those who worry about possible misfortunes, 90% of which never happen in life. What a wasted energy. Human life is being wasted in this deadly habit of anticipating evil.Mastering our moods: A man who has determined to succeed is a man who knows what he wants. He does not allow his temper and moods to govern him, but acts on firm principles and “steers” his thoughts to achieve what he wants in life. Most of the successful people have revealed in their biographies that their success is a result of many un-told stories of trials and tribulation, failures, humiliation and sleepless nights. Success is not showered from heaven without any effort or difficulty. We have to pay for the price of success. Nothing comes free. Confidence is the father of success: Confidence reinforces ability, doubles energy, strengthens mental faculties and increases strength in us. Our positive thoughts will carry the force of our conviction and the power of our confidence. If our confidence is weak, our thoughts will be weak and we are bound to fail. We should be optimistic and positive and have confidence in ourselves that whatever anybody else can do, we can do better. Constant positive affirmations increases courage in us and courage is the backbone of confidence.Avoid Negative People: There are many negative and pessimist people. One should avoid their company. They scatter fear thoughts, doubts and failure thoughts everywhere they go. They try to fail us even before trying. Such people will discourage us in everything and give un-wanted advice. Such people are confidence breakers and can radiate negative influence on us and poison the atmosphere around us. If we cannot find positive, optimist people full of confidence then we should surround our self with books on positive thinking, optimism and biographies of successful people. Good books radiate success thoughts, helpful thoughts, joy thoughts, uplifting thoughts, which act like sunshine in out life.Some tips for becoming a top achiever in life.1. Get organized for high productivity2. Determine exactly what you want and in which area3. Know what you want4. Set schedules and deadlines for every task5. Plan and work according to the daily schedule. Do works on priority basis.6. Be punctual7. Always keep in mind positive thoughts and repel negative thoughts8. Pray to God to crown your efforts with success9. Be honest in your dealings, nature helps honest people10. Always be alert so that laziness does not overpower you.11. Your friends and relatives must admire your temperament, hard work and honesty12. Never boast. Your success will speak for itself13. Never be proud and arrogant14. Emulate the work habits of high performers15. Visualize yourself as highly efficient and successfulAnd the last thing to share is Napoleon’s Formulae: Napoleon Bonaparte had said that the difference between a successful and unsuccessful man is 15 minutes. Appraise your day in the evening for 15 minutes and make your daily balance sheet. Assess yourself to what you have done for the day for which you deserve success. Your every next day should be better than your yesterday. A person who follows this routine and works hard will improve everyday. Always.

Lot things tied up so implies less of blogging:)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mat Dekho zara.......

Nothing to see in this Movie aa dekho zara....

seen nothing after this movie...........was about to write for this movie but some how lot of things tied up so missed on it so just poring it as it was in my drafts......
But not worth writng about this movie also....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Does Hard Work always PAY!!!!

Was discussing regarding the topic "is it always hardwork paying" ,if so why doesn’t the mason be successful even though putting a hell lot of effort……

While I was reading a book I got this from there It is pretty much on the similar lines of what we discussing It says ninety -five per cent who were classed as failures were in that class because they had no definite chief aim in life , while the five per cent constituting the successful ones not only had purposes that were definite , but they had , also , definite plans for the attainment of their purposes .(MASON NOT INTENDING FOR LONGTERM GOAL…..)

This is what i completely agree.........
SO if we site the example of the mason here since no defintie aim only hardwork would pay ......
Some example to support this whole arguement.....
On the street corner , just opposite the room in which I am writing , I see a man who stands there all day long and sells peanuts . He is busy every minute . When not actually engaged in making a sale he is roasting and packing the peanuts in little bags . He is one of that great army constituting the ninety -five per cent who have no definite purpose in life . He is selling peanuts , not because he likes that work better than anything else he might do , but because he never sat down and thought out a definite purpose that would bring him greater returns for his labor . He is selling peanuts because he is a drifter on the sea of life , and one of the tragedies of his work is the fact that the same amount of effort that he puts into it , if directed along other lines , would bring him much greater returns . Another one of the tragedies of this man's work is the fact that he is unconsciously making use of the principle of self -suggestion , but he is doing it to his own disadvantage . No doubt , if a picture could be made of his thoughts , there would be nothing in that picture except a peanut roaster , some little paper bags and a crowd of people buying peanuts .
This man could get out of the peanut business if he had the vision and the ambition first to imagine himself in a more profitable calling , and the perseverance to hold that picture before his mind until it influenced him to take the necessary steps to enter a more profitable calling . He puts sufficient labor into his work to bring him a substantial return if that labor were directed toward the attainment of a definite purpose that offered bigger returns .
SO thats the key to success .........
So let me know where you differ in thought s from these views.....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Was it Walking or running on Broken Das by Vir Das

It was a Sunday after ages the office group decided to do an outing and I guess it couldn’t have been betters then this one. All set for St.Andrews audi at Bandra we had friends coming in from NERUL imagine that but I guess it was worth it.

The show was houseful actually packed and no kidding as in the advertisements which read houseful where there is ample of free seats.

It started on time and initially there were rounds of ppt shown some jokes riddles then came Saurabh Pant one the characters in the show he was good enuf good set of jokes
One I recollect is There is only one dick in the world which when falls never rises back and the answer is George Bush …awesome one/…. then followed by another charater who was hilarious his best joke A dog is a mans best friend that’s a saying but he never felt so coz the dog never teaches a man to lick his ballsss hahahahha solid tha who..
His one riddle I remember ghajini grossed 250 crores how when asked he says when AMir doesn’t remember how the hell would I know….

Then come Virdas and he starts his rounds of full timepass jokes.They were all excellent observations and facts to the core.Some jokes went as a bouncer to many but all were awesome he took himeshs case to the core ..What the hell is a TANDOORIIIII NITE,,,,,,
Himesh should watch this one..They have targeted everyone even dogs haven’t been left in the jokes.If u are seated in the audience u mite be targeted to be carefull if u are the serious ones don’t go for it.
There was Sanath in the audience he would have had a tough time these days,,,his case was taken to the core…

But over all a must watch for ppl who love jokes and stuff ..Salmans case also taken his boob size increasing the way he doing it and keeping Katrina shy for that…..
Awesome fun……

A must watch for all a definite paisa vasool.

Optimistic View

While I was just talking to a couple of ppl i realised that there is alot of oppurtunity in the markets.People shouldnt worrry what next at 21k they should have worried not now.Almost all stocks have reached thier 52 week lows so the next could possibly be a 10-20% correction so at the most the stock calue if at 30 would reach 20 if company fundamentaly strong so we can think in the direction of investing the stocks we always desired now at dirt cheap rate.

Even i was confused but i feel now is the right time to buy few here and there in a stagered manner.All this would be the best prices to buy them.Cause you never know from here the market could rise then there would be no stop so it would be loose loose situation even when there wsoppurtunity so the best is to take risks.....

lets all hope for the best...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Recesion and its effect possible in Corporate world:::FUNNY ONE

I was just chatting with my freind on Phone and we both were doing shit work in we were thinking what would be the corporate life in future if the recesion scene continues..

She started saying all Subcontractors in the office have been laid off.
Then I said that would be there would be tremendous load on the permanet employee but since there is no developement work left it would be everyone doing only documentation and presentation.

Then we were just thinking that the company could no longer afford the cleaners also so IMAgine everyday morning U come in office with the duster and you start personaly cleaning your computer With the typical ORANGE DUSTER...Everyone you open your bag which has a couple of this dusters a screwdriver kit just incase the computer stops working HAHAHAHA coz here would be no support staff....

Then there would be a common toilet so everyone would queue up for that also there would be pass required for tht where u login there hahahahha(just all wierd thoughts)

This was very hillarious talk on phone here its sounds to monotonus but it was very cool laughed almost for an hour...
Then just incase phone and voips stop working then there would those old age phone where u drop in 1 rupee coins the RED instruments with a centre dial trik trikkkkkkkk......

So all possible changes we were thinking then there would be a common conference room under a tree near the office the Sarpanch type(manager here).......

So the buses stop plying ppl using cycles the ones used in the godrej complex ..ppl smoke a BIDI instead of the ciggarates....

So there were a hell lot of changes we thought of ...some which i remebered i mentioned them...
Just the way things change ........

Monday, March 9, 2009

Holi Is it still a festival of colors....

Its that time of the year when girls would be petrified to leave thier houses.Is Holi played with the true spirits i doubt.If it was then i dont think ppl would have started using urine instead of water,rotten eggs instead of colors,ink instead of colored water,oil paints which dont come out for days to follow.Sorrowfull but thats the state of holi in our country.In interiors I have seen ppl play with gober man imagine GOBER on you....its so horrifying just thinking of it imagine playing with all this!!!!!!!!!

So be careful when in the streets if you r hurled with a baloon that mite be the water from the flowing drainages next street coz thats in excess rite..

Be carefull everyone especialy on the feminine side because they are the victims usually in the small lanes and the busy streets.Since its a huge group of hooligans its best to avoid and take the balloon instead of a qaurell which solves nothing.So a recomendation wear the worn out clothes for a day and avoid going out untill absolute necesary.

But i seriously feel this festival should come under the scanner and given a thought for it.Whats the fun wihout the right spirits of the game...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random thoughts

Was just thinking Whats going happen next everywhere ppl screaming out losses recesion and stuff.
Everyday the analyst predicting something weird the same a yr bak boasting of fundamentals.There are almost 100 articles daily on recesion depresion and panic..Where is all this heading.Some articles saying 1 lakh ppl coming back to india from usa where are all going to be accomidated wheres it all eding???How are things going to turn on the reverse??Is it a created phenomenon or actaully things have reached to its boiling point and there is no exit to it.
its really thought provoking the way things are moving No one can answer any of these questions its purely everyones view they are giving and if something from that strikes right they would rejoice that victory..Inflation reaching lows, dollar hitting high, gold reaching the new highs..Everyone just wondering what NEXT!!!!!!!!

I guess its best to do what one feels right cause no one can guide and even if anyones guiding he/she is experimenting with your fate so be carefull follow yr instincts..How many years will it take is another million dollar question.But there is natures one law which has to be kept in mind whatever goes up comes down and the viceversa so thats the only ray of optimism which we could BANK on and the other one as mentioned earlier in one of my posts was the four letter magical word HOPE...

Lets see Where does the two ends meet .....

But even in times of recesion it does not affect everyone the soothsayers the numerologist and the predictory and all making a huge moolaahh..I guess this are the peaks for them they would be over booked with appointments ....I wonder what are they predicting :)))))
They surely must be predicting for this period to extend:))))))

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

24 bday celebrations....

It was long and would be a memorable day..guess for ages to come.I tasted 5 different types of cakes,4 different cuisines(chinese,south indian,pizzas ,italian) of food.And a loads of fun.A whole lot for just one day.

But thats the way it goes.Started the day with the centre at Akanksha and the cards those children there cards which would be preserved for many more ages to come.It was a very good start for the day.

Sometimes things happen when they are least expected and thats the wa it goes.Day was pretty tiring lot of stuff in just one day..

Pics posted on facebook and orkut..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A confusion MBA now or when ??India or Abroad???whats next.....

A lot of confusion prevailing especialy a traditional resume like mine where the standard engineering degree and a "WELL SET:::" job in a MNC and then what next comes the question....So the markets prooving to be worst makes matters even more depressing....So thats the whole scenario....A lot of factors been involved where to do an mba from ..TO do it or NO is also a major question...

Where exactly to do it from would a mba this time from abroad prove to be fruitful or no...the americans tightenening the screws on H1b visas and so many ppl returning back ...Dunno what these ppl will end up with.So there are a lot of factors over all determining ones fate.There is no one to answer all these questions just follow yr instinct do what u like..Most of us our wrongly placed but we dont dare to do things against the trends .Lets see what to do now trying hands at a lot of different things enjoying almost everything.Hope is one thing that keeps everyone alive.We stay by this 4 letter word just imagine how important this word is.:))

Last all find a solution soon ...hahahaha.....Once again some hope...

OLPC mumbai volunteers wake up

This is for all Mumbai volunteers if you all could submit yr details here we could definitely arrange a meeting...

After the long break of 66 days now a lot of movies to be reviewed....

After a long break i guess now no brakesssss.......4 weekends 4 movies in a row..Dev D ,7 Pounds,Luck by chance..
Dev D is an awesome movie cheers to Anurag kashyap ..the movie is purely for class not for the mass so wont hit the box office and wont turn the production house richer by crores...The bitter reality has been exposed though it would be tough to digest for most of them but the fact is that "ITS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE" open your eyes..guys he has just shown whats hapening without we noticing it...
So perosnal view go for it if u want something offbeat....

Luck by chance purely okok not much to write for it....

Seven pounds......A movie which is very slow and quite sentimental movie..A good motto and you would certainly take a lot from the movie back home...The Story in 2 lines is will smith was travelling with his wife and he recd some mesage from work just while reading that text a collision with another car total 7 ppl die except him..So that guilt he is carrying he wanted to be free from it by doing good for others so he saves 7 unknown ppl donating 7 different organs and gives 7 ppl some a whole knew life and a reason to stay...
My recomendation if u like slow stuff then go for it......

just a weird thought y is it 7 days of a week..7 wonders of the world...7 days for creation of the world...:)))))))))think over it
One well said dialogue in the movie "it took 7 days for god to create me ...I shatterd myself in 7 seconds..."""""He says in while shown in the pic above..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Landmark action in forum series

This series is followed by the Landmark forum its a 10 session 3 month schedule where in u try to implement actually wat you have learnt in the 3 days..The actual impementation would take place during the course of this 10 sessions..Its like a tough task because you are actually doing in depth analysis of your wrong way of "BEING" and try to improvise on that...You are actually grillling yr negative traits "RACKETS" they term in the forum and you have to get over it.....

So its a wonderful thing to do..Theres a lot of commitmen required but after all it leaves u a more promising "BEING"..Theres a lot to take from the sessions and the more one absorbs and articulates a more and more powerfull product would be developed.......

There would be group sharing,weekly assignments so there is scope for lot of practical applications of the knowledge gained during the sessions..

My recomendation the course should be done as it would open a lot of blocks in ones own thinking..If u feel there are no BLOCKS then that is a block itself:):):):):)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

66 days and finally a movie....SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE

After a long 66 days finally headed to the theatre

It was a long long break from the theatre I finally caught up with slum dog millionaire the most talked about movie this year… Dostana was the last I saw that’s November and now finally slumdog … Its an awesome movie it is a flalwless movie and well scripted movie… True ideas and the songs are rocking,…..They have done an awesome job getting the reality of Mumbai out in the film and they definitely deserve an oscar…..
The movie is has a new starcast Jamal Malik(Dev Patel ) he is done a good role ..I read somewhre for his audition he had taken his mom since he was nervous .....Now he would be up in the sky with so many awards fot the movie..( although none for acting )but he is a part of the movie....A.R Rahman is done a brilliant job .....Songs are so good they are sure winning an award....
I guess if time permits please catch it in the neares theatre....

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Landmark forum


QUESTIONS start on what is it ,,,,,,,why is it ,,,,,,,,why so expensive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what exactly they do…… most of them I would try to explain …..
Is it the thing normal networking busness………..

ALL these were the same question I had before joining the forum….I ndid the landmark forum here in mumbai jai hind college…Jan 16,17,18 and 20 ..This forum doesn’t advertise as in media and stuff but they do active publcicty during the course…the landmark forum is for 7100 that is for those 4 days and it is usaly in an auditorium,,,,,almost we were 350 ppl in audi with 3 breaks two short ones and one big one in the nite… is for Friday sat sund till midnite and starts in the morning at 9 am …The forum is full of self development and personal improvement,…..The forum involves a lot of interaction …ppl trying to get out of he bad phases they must have experienced during their lifetime…….There were a mixed vareity of ppl ..There is usaly one coach( they person who conducts a forum) but we had 2 Mr. Pravin Puri and Mr.Gurmeet Singh....They took the entire sesion for the 4 days.....They have a good command and good oratory skills thoroughly professional....The last day is the day when u cal guest and then u get them enroled and thats the way the whole process works......There a couple of cpurses after the forum and the whole package is worth 25k.......There is a whole of things to learn
A good network of ppl...
they try to mend broken relationships.....
The most important thing they stresed on was the parent child relationship which is the most important ones they say and actulay i could figure out relating to live examples THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP>>>>>>>>>\
humans entire life revolves around this one.......
They try to open certain mind blocks.......
So a whole lot of things to do.........

Ya they also do active publicity but ya its busines as routine ........
So its worth a try if u R READY TO ACCEPT NEW THINGS>..........But those who cant sit for so long beter think beofore spending a large sum......