Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Recesion and its effect possible in Corporate world:::FUNNY ONE

I was just chatting with my freind on Phone and we both were doing shit work in office..so we were thinking what would be the corporate life in future if the recesion scene continues..

She started saying all Subcontractors in the office have been laid off.
Then I said that would be there would be tremendous load on the permanet employee but since there is no developement work left it would be everyone doing only documentation and presentation.

Then we were just thinking that the company could no longer afford the cleaners also so IMAgine everyday morning U come in office with the duster and you start personaly cleaning your computer With the typical ORANGE DUSTER...Everyone you open your bag which has a couple of this dusters a screwdriver kit just incase the computer stops working HAHAHAHA coz here would be no support staff....

Then there would be a common toilet so everyone would queue up for that also there would be pass required for tht where u login there hahahahha(just all wierd thoughts)

This was very hillarious talk on phone here its sounds to monotonus but it was very cool laughed almost for an hour...
Then just incase phone and voips stop working then there would those old age phone where u drop in 1 rupee coins the RED instruments with a centre dial trik trikkkkkkkk......

So all possible changes we were thinking then there would be a common conference room under a tree near the office the Sarpanch type(manager here).......

So the buses stop plying ppl using cycles the ones used in the godrej complex ..ppl smoke a BIDI instead of the ciggarates....

So there were a hell lot of changes we thought of ...some which i remebered i mentioned them...
Just the way things change ........

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