Friday, March 27, 2009

Does Hard Work always PAY!!!!

Was discussing regarding the topic "is it always hardwork paying" ,if so why doesn’t the mason be successful even though putting a hell lot of effort……

While I was reading a book I got this from there It is pretty much on the similar lines of what we discussing It says ninety -five per cent who were classed as failures were in that class because they had no definite chief aim in life , while the five per cent constituting the successful ones not only had purposes that were definite , but they had , also , definite plans for the attainment of their purposes .(MASON NOT INTENDING FOR LONGTERM GOAL…..)

This is what i completely agree.........
SO if we site the example of the mason here since no defintie aim only hardwork would pay ......
Some example to support this whole arguement.....
On the street corner , just opposite the room in which I am writing , I see a man who stands there all day long and sells peanuts . He is busy every minute . When not actually engaged in making a sale he is roasting and packing the peanuts in little bags . He is one of that great army constituting the ninety -five per cent who have no definite purpose in life . He is selling peanuts , not because he likes that work better than anything else he might do , but because he never sat down and thought out a definite purpose that would bring him greater returns for his labor . He is selling peanuts because he is a drifter on the sea of life , and one of the tragedies of his work is the fact that the same amount of effort that he puts into it , if directed along other lines , would bring him much greater returns . Another one of the tragedies of this man's work is the fact that he is unconsciously making use of the principle of self -suggestion , but he is doing it to his own disadvantage . No doubt , if a picture could be made of his thoughts , there would be nothing in that picture except a peanut roaster , some little paper bags and a crowd of people buying peanuts .
This man could get out of the peanut business if he had the vision and the ambition first to imagine himself in a more profitable calling , and the perseverance to hold that picture before his mind until it influenced him to take the necessary steps to enter a more profitable calling . He puts sufficient labor into his work to bring him a substantial return if that labor were directed toward the attainment of a definite purpose that offered bigger returns .
SO thats the key to success .........
So let me know where you differ in thought s from these views.....

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