Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random thoughts

Was just thinking Whats going happen next everywhere ppl screaming out losses recesion and stuff.
Everyday the analyst predicting something weird the same a yr bak boasting of fundamentals.There are almost 100 articles daily on recesion depresion and panic..Where is all this heading.Some articles saying 1 lakh ppl coming back to india from usa where are all going to be accomidated wheres it all eding???How are things going to turn on the reverse??Is it a created phenomenon or actaully things have reached to its boiling point and there is no exit to it.
its really thought provoking the way things are moving No one can answer any of these questions its purely everyones view they are giving and if something from that strikes right they would rejoice that victory..Inflation reaching lows, dollar hitting high, gold reaching the new highs..Everyone just wondering what NEXT!!!!!!!!

I guess its best to do what one feels right cause no one can guide and even if anyones guiding he/she is experimenting with your fate so be carefull follow yr instincts..How many years will it take is another million dollar question.But there is natures one law which has to be kept in mind whatever goes up comes down and the viceversa so thats the only ray of optimism which we could BANK on and the other one as mentioned earlier in one of my posts was the four letter magical word HOPE...

Lets see Where does the two ends meet .....

But even in times of recesion it does not affect everyone the soothsayers the numerologist and the predictory and all making a huge moolaahh..I guess this are the peaks for them they would be over booked with appointments ....I wonder what are they predicting :)))))
They surely must be predicting for this period to extend:))))))

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