Friday, April 24, 2009

Every Man is a king

Always feel there is a lot do in life that challenge always is in front of us that when can we achieve what we really want.I think that search would never end we would always raise are bars when we achieve certain levels...So I just came upon this interesting article

The universe pays everyone in his own coin. If you smile, it similes on you, If you love the world, you will be surrounded by loving friends. Every man is a King. If you generate a powerful thought and let it out, it will always manifest itself but to create what we really want, first, it must be well manifested in our mind. Let’s see some points how a man is a King in himself.Organize our thoughts, emotions and energies: A well established mind, a mind which is concentrated is, referred to as Kalpavriksha or Wish Fulfilling Tree. If we organize our mind to a certain level, it, in turn, organizes the whole system. Our body, our emotions, our energies, everything gets organized in that direction. If we do this then we are a Kalpavriksha our self. Anything that we wish will happen. So, either we should make this human form into Kalpavriksha or we make it into one big mess. We must be clear as to what is it that we really want. If we do not know what we really want, the question of creating it doesn’t arise. Once we organize our thoughts, emotions and energies, our ability to create and manifest what we want becomes phenomenal.Set Goal: Don’t take chance with life. Life gives us two options everyday: wait for the things to happen or make the things happen as we want. Those who wait for things to happen miss out a great deal because they hardly or never happen. The best option is to decide what we want and pursue it Life offers plenty of opportunities. The important thing in life is to remove the laziness and mental dilemmas and keep moving forward in the direction of your goal. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all; successful people do not depend on their Luck. They take due responsibility for their life and thus they take advantage of chances and make the most of their life. It’s true that “Fortune sides with him who dares”.Our worst enemy is fear: The mostly deadly instrument for spoiling human lives is fear. Fear destroys our ambition, causes diseases and paralyses us. Its lowers our mental and physical vitality. How pitiable is to see anxious, wrinkled faces, the unhappy expressions of those who worry about possible misfortunes, 90% of which never happen in life. What a wasted energy. Human life is being wasted in this deadly habit of anticipating evil.Mastering our moods: A man who has determined to succeed is a man who knows what he wants. He does not allow his temper and moods to govern him, but acts on firm principles and “steers” his thoughts to achieve what he wants in life. Most of the successful people have revealed in their biographies that their success is a result of many un-told stories of trials and tribulation, failures, humiliation and sleepless nights. Success is not showered from heaven without any effort or difficulty. We have to pay for the price of success. Nothing comes free. Confidence is the father of success: Confidence reinforces ability, doubles energy, strengthens mental faculties and increases strength in us. Our positive thoughts will carry the force of our conviction and the power of our confidence. If our confidence is weak, our thoughts will be weak and we are bound to fail. We should be optimistic and positive and have confidence in ourselves that whatever anybody else can do, we can do better. Constant positive affirmations increases courage in us and courage is the backbone of confidence.Avoid Negative People: There are many negative and pessimist people. One should avoid their company. They scatter fear thoughts, doubts and failure thoughts everywhere they go. They try to fail us even before trying. Such people will discourage us in everything and give un-wanted advice. Such people are confidence breakers and can radiate negative influence on us and poison the atmosphere around us. If we cannot find positive, optimist people full of confidence then we should surround our self with books on positive thinking, optimism and biographies of successful people. Good books radiate success thoughts, helpful thoughts, joy thoughts, uplifting thoughts, which act like sunshine in out life.Some tips for becoming a top achiever in life.1. Get organized for high productivity2. Determine exactly what you want and in which area3. Know what you want4. Set schedules and deadlines for every task5. Plan and work according to the daily schedule. Do works on priority basis.6. Be punctual7. Always keep in mind positive thoughts and repel negative thoughts8. Pray to God to crown your efforts with success9. Be honest in your dealings, nature helps honest people10. Always be alert so that laziness does not overpower you.11. Your friends and relatives must admire your temperament, hard work and honesty12. Never boast. Your success will speak for itself13. Never be proud and arrogant14. Emulate the work habits of high performers15. Visualize yourself as highly efficient and successfulAnd the last thing to share is Napoleon’s Formulae: Napoleon Bonaparte had said that the difference between a successful and unsuccessful man is 15 minutes. Appraise your day in the evening for 15 minutes and make your daily balance sheet. Assess yourself to what you have done for the day for which you deserve success. Your every next day should be better than your yesterday. A person who follows this routine and works hard will improve everyday. Always.

Lot things tied up so implies less of blogging:)

1 comment:


Fantastic Sapan!!! I think the article must be from the speaking tree. I read it a long time ago. But I never thought of reading it again. Thanks for reproducing it here. I am privileged to read it again. My cranium feels more clear now. Thanks a lot for your help:-)