Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mat Dekho zara.......

Nothing to see in this Movie aa dekho zara....

seen nothing after this movie...........was about to write for this movie but some how lot of things tied up so missed on it so just poring it as it was in my drafts......
But not worth writng about this movie also....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Does Hard Work always PAY!!!!

Was discussing regarding the topic "is it always hardwork paying" ,if so why doesn’t the mason be successful even though putting a hell lot of effort……

While I was reading a book I got this from there It is pretty much on the similar lines of what we discussing It says ninety -five per cent who were classed as failures were in that class because they had no definite chief aim in life , while the five per cent constituting the successful ones not only had purposes that were definite , but they had , also , definite plans for the attainment of their purposes .(MASON NOT INTENDING FOR LONGTERM GOAL…..)

This is what i completely agree.........
SO if we site the example of the mason here since no defintie aim only hardwork would pay ......
Some example to support this whole arguement.....
On the street corner , just opposite the room in which I am writing , I see a man who stands there all day long and sells peanuts . He is busy every minute . When not actually engaged in making a sale he is roasting and packing the peanuts in little bags . He is one of that great army constituting the ninety -five per cent who have no definite purpose in life . He is selling peanuts , not because he likes that work better than anything else he might do , but because he never sat down and thought out a definite purpose that would bring him greater returns for his labor . He is selling peanuts because he is a drifter on the sea of life , and one of the tragedies of his work is the fact that the same amount of effort that he puts into it , if directed along other lines , would bring him much greater returns . Another one of the tragedies of this man's work is the fact that he is unconsciously making use of the principle of self -suggestion , but he is doing it to his own disadvantage . No doubt , if a picture could be made of his thoughts , there would be nothing in that picture except a peanut roaster , some little paper bags and a crowd of people buying peanuts .
This man could get out of the peanut business if he had the vision and the ambition first to imagine himself in a more profitable calling , and the perseverance to hold that picture before his mind until it influenced him to take the necessary steps to enter a more profitable calling . He puts sufficient labor into his work to bring him a substantial return if that labor were directed toward the attainment of a definite purpose that offered bigger returns .
SO thats the key to success .........
So let me know where you differ in thought s from these views.....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Was it Walking or running on Broken Das by Vir Das

It was a Sunday after ages the office group decided to do an outing and I guess it couldn’t have been betters then this one. All set for St.Andrews audi at Bandra we had friends coming in from NERUL imagine that but I guess it was worth it.

The show was houseful actually packed and no kidding as in the advertisements which read houseful where there is ample of free seats.

It started on time and initially there were rounds of ppt shown some jokes riddles then came Saurabh Pant one the characters in the show he was good enuf good set of jokes
One I recollect is There is only one dick in the world which when falls never rises back and the answer is George Bush …awesome one/…. then followed by another charater who was hilarious his best joke A dog is a mans best friend that’s a saying but he never felt so coz the dog never teaches a man to lick his ballsss hahahahha solid tha who..
His one riddle I remember ghajini grossed 250 crores how when asked he says when AMir doesn’t remember how the hell would I know….

Then come Virdas and he starts his rounds of full timepass jokes.They were all excellent observations and facts to the core.Some jokes went as a bouncer to many but all were awesome he took himeshs case to the core ..What the hell is a TANDOORIIIII NITE,,,,,,
Himesh should watch this one..They have targeted everyone even dogs haven’t been left in the jokes.If u are seated in the audience u mite be targeted to be carefull if u are the serious ones don’t go for it.
There was Sanath in the audience he would have had a tough time these days,,,his case was taken to the core…

But over all a must watch for ppl who love jokes and stuff ..Salmans case also taken his boob size increasing the way he doing it and keeping Katrina shy for that…..
Awesome fun……

A must watch for all a definite paisa vasool.

Optimistic View

While I was just talking to a couple of ppl i realised that there is alot of oppurtunity in the markets.People shouldnt worrry what next at 21k they should have worried not now.Almost all stocks have reached thier 52 week lows so the next could possibly be a 10-20% correction so at the most the stock calue if at 30 would reach 20 if company fundamentaly strong so we can think in the direction of investing the stocks we always desired now at dirt cheap rate.

Even i was confused but i feel now is the right time to buy few here and there in a stagered manner.All this would be the best prices to buy them.Cause you never know from here the market could rise then there would be no stop so it would be loose loose situation even when there wsoppurtunity so the best is to take risks.....

lets all hope for the best...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Recesion and its effect possible in Corporate world:::FUNNY ONE

I was just chatting with my freind on Phone and we both were doing shit work in office..so we were thinking what would be the corporate life in future if the recesion scene continues..

She started saying all Subcontractors in the office have been laid off.
Then I said that would be there would be tremendous load on the permanet employee but since there is no developement work left it would be everyone doing only documentation and presentation.

Then we were just thinking that the company could no longer afford the cleaners also so IMAgine everyday morning U come in office with the duster and you start personaly cleaning your computer With the typical ORANGE DUSTER...Everyone you open your bag which has a couple of this dusters a screwdriver kit just incase the computer stops working HAHAHAHA coz here would be no support staff....

Then there would be a common toilet so everyone would queue up for that also there would be pass required for tht where u login there hahahahha(just all wierd thoughts)

This was very hillarious talk on phone here its sounds to monotonus but it was very cool laughed almost for an hour...
Then just incase phone and voips stop working then there would those old age phone where u drop in 1 rupee coins the RED instruments with a centre dial trik trikkkkkkkk......

So all possible changes we were thinking then there would be a common conference room under a tree near the office the Sarpanch type(manager here).......

So the buses stop plying ppl using cycles the ones used in the godrej complex ..ppl smoke a BIDI instead of the ciggarates....

So there were a hell lot of changes we thought of ...some which i remebered i mentioned them...
Just the way things change ........

Monday, March 9, 2009

Holi Is it still a festival of colors....

Its that time of the year when girls would be petrified to leave thier houses.Is Holi played with the true spirits i doubt.If it was then i dont think ppl would have started using urine instead of water,rotten eggs instead of colors,ink instead of colored water,oil paints which dont come out for days to follow.Sorrowfull but thats the state of holi in our country.In interiors I have seen ppl play with gober man imagine GOBER on you....its so horrifying just thinking of it imagine playing with all this!!!!!!!!!

So be careful when in the streets if you r hurled with a baloon that mite be the water from the flowing drainages next street coz thats in excess rite..

Be carefull everyone especialy on the feminine side because they are the victims usually in the small lanes and the busy streets.Since its a huge group of hooligans its best to avoid and take the balloon instead of a qaurell which solves nothing.So a recomendation wear the worn out clothes for a day and avoid going out untill absolute necesary.

But i seriously feel this festival should come under the scanner and given a thought for it.Whats the fun wihout the right spirits of the game...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random thoughts

Was just thinking Whats going happen next everywhere ppl screaming out losses recesion and stuff.
Everyday the analyst predicting something weird the same a yr bak boasting of fundamentals.There are almost 100 articles daily on recesion depresion and panic..Where is all this heading.Some articles saying 1 lakh ppl coming back to india from usa where are all going to be accomidated wheres it all eding???How are things going to turn on the reverse??Is it a created phenomenon or actaully things have reached to its boiling point and there is no exit to it.
its really thought provoking the way things are moving No one can answer any of these questions its purely everyones view they are giving and if something from that strikes right they would rejoice that victory..Inflation reaching lows, dollar hitting high, gold reaching the new highs..Everyone just wondering what NEXT!!!!!!!!

I guess its best to do what one feels right cause no one can guide and even if anyones guiding he/she is experimenting with your fate so be carefull follow yr instincts..How many years will it take is another million dollar question.But there is natures one law which has to be kept in mind whatever goes up comes down and the viceversa so thats the only ray of optimism which we could BANK on and the other one as mentioned earlier in one of my posts was the four letter magical word HOPE...

Lets see Where does the two ends meet .....

But even in times of recesion it does not affect everyone the soothsayers the numerologist and the predictory and all making a huge moolaahh..I guess this are the peaks for them they would be over booked with appointments ....I wonder what are they predicting :)))))
They surely must be predicting for this period to extend:))))))