Tuesday, February 24, 2009

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

24 bday celebrations....

It was long and would be a memorable day..guess for ages to come.I tasted 5 different types of cakes,4 different cuisines(chinese,south indian,pizzas ,italian) of food.And a loads of fun.A whole lot for just one day.

But thats the way it goes.Started the day with the centre at Akanksha and the cards those children there cards which would be preserved for many more ages to come.It was a very good start for the day.

Sometimes things happen when they are least expected and thats the wa it goes.Day was pretty tiring lot of stuff in just one day..

Pics posted on facebook and orkut..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A confusion MBA now or when ??India or Abroad???whats next.....

A lot of confusion prevailing especialy a traditional resume like mine where the standard engineering degree and a "WELL SET:::" job in a MNC and then what next comes the question....So the markets prooving to be worst makes matters even more depressing....So thats the whole scenario....A lot of factors been involved where to do an mba from ..TO do it or NO is also a major question...

Where exactly to do it from would a mba this time from abroad prove to be fruitful or no...the americans tightenening the screws on H1b visas and so many ppl returning back ...Dunno what these ppl will end up with.So there are a lot of factors over all determining ones fate.There is no one to answer all these questions just follow yr instinct do what u like..Most of us our wrongly placed but we dont dare to do things against the trends .Lets see what to do now trying hands at a lot of different things enjoying almost everything.Hope is one thing that keeps everyone alive.We stay by this 4 letter word just imagine how important this word is.:))

Last all find a solution soon ...hahahaha.....Once again some hope...

OLPC mumbai volunteers wake up

This is for all Mumbai volunteers if you all could submit yr details here we could definitely arrange a meeting...


After the long break of 66 days now a lot of movies to be reviewed....

After a long break i guess now no brakesssss.......4 weekends 4 movies in a row..Dev D ,7 Pounds,Luck by chance..
Dev D is an awesome movie cheers to Anurag kashyap ..the movie is purely for class not for the mass so wont hit the box office and wont turn the production house richer by crores...The bitter reality has been exposed though it would be tough to digest for most of them but the fact is that "ITS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE" open your eyes..guys he has just shown whats hapening without we noticing it...
So perosnal view go for it if u want something offbeat....

Luck by chance purely okok not much to write for it....

Seven pounds......A movie which is very slow and quite sentimental movie..A good motto and you would certainly take a lot from the movie back home...The Story in 2 lines is will smith was travelling with his wife and he recd some mesage from work just while reading that text a collision with another car total 7 ppl die except him..So that guilt he is carrying he wanted to be free from it by doing good for others so he saves 7 unknown ppl donating 7 different organs and gives 7 ppl some a whole knew life and a reason to stay...
My recomendation if u like slow stuff then go for it......

just a weird thought y is it 7 days of a week..7 wonders of the world...7 days for creation of the world...:)))))))))think over it
One well said dialogue in the movie "it took 7 days for god to create me ...I shatterd myself in 7 seconds..."""""He says in while shown in the pic above..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Landmark action in forum series

This series is followed by the Landmark forum its a 10 session 3 month schedule where in u try to implement actually wat you have learnt in the 3 days..The actual impementation would take place during the course of this 10 sessions..Its like a tough task because you are actually doing in depth analysis of your wrong way of "BEING" and try to improvise on that...You are actually grillling yr negative traits "RACKETS" they term in the forum and you have to get over it.....

So its a wonderful thing to do..Theres a lot of commitmen required but after all it leaves u a more promising "BEING"..Theres a lot to take from the sessions and the more one absorbs and articulates a more and more powerfull product would be developed.......

There would be group sharing,weekly assignments so there is scope for lot of practical applications of the knowledge gained during the sessions..

My recomendation the course should be done as it would open a lot of blocks in ones own thinking..If u feel there are no BLOCKS then that is a block itself:):):):):)